مدى ت وافر معايير الاعتماد ال كاديمي الب رامجي بالب ا رمج الكاديمية بجامعة عم ا رن


  • مطيع علي القهالي
  • نصر صالح الجرباني
  • خالد داحش البناء




معايير, الاعتماد الاكاديمي (البرامجي), جامعة عمران


This study aimed to identify the availability of academic program accreditation standards for academic programs at Amran University and to find the statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the responders on the instrument used for collecting data due to the variables (job title, academic degree, college type, years of experience) at the level (0.05). It followed the descriptive analytical approach and used a questionnaire consisting of (83) items. The tool was distributed to a sample of (26) academic leaders at Amran University and it analyzed by using the statistical package program. (SPSS); The study reached to an important results which are: The degree of the axis (program’s message, objectives and learning outcomes), (academic program and courses), (academic program management), and (Staff members), (students) was rated “medium”, and the degree of (academic program facilities and facilities), (academic program financial resources), and (quality assurance and continuous improvement) was rated "low". There are no statistically significant differences between the average responses of the study sample members at the level of all axes due to the variables (scientific degree, type of college, years of experience), and there are statistically significant differences between the average responses of the study sample members at the level of the first and eighth axes due to the variable (job title) and in favor of the job title Vice Dean.

It recommends and suggests to Spreading awareness of the culture of quality and working to activate it among staff members at the university. And the need to involve students and actors in the formulation of policies and strategies، and the follow-up and evaluation of the various academic programs.



How to Cite

القهالي م. ع. ., الجرباني ن. ص. ., & البناء خ. د. . (2022). مدى ت وافر معايير الاعتماد ال كاديمي الب رامجي بالب ا رمج الكاديمية بجامعة عم ا رن. Journal of Amran University, 2(3), 30. https://doi.org/10.59145/jaust.v2i3.33