الدور الوسيط لجمع المعلومات التصديرية في العلاقة بين التوجه الريادي الدولي وأداء الصادرات : دراسة حالة الشركات اليمنية المصدّرة الصغيرة والمتوسطة


  • عادل المشرقي




التوجه الريادي الدولي, أداء الصادرات, جمع المعلومات التصديرية


The aim of this study was to test the mediating role of Gathering export information in The Relationship between International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export Performance Study of Yemeni Exporting Small and Medium Enterprises. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, previous studies were used to construct the study model, as well as to develop its hypotheses. The study adopted the descriptive analytical method, whereas the questionnaire had been considered as the main tool for data collection I took the overall inventory method and distributed. Accordingly, 204 questionnaires of Yemeni Exporting Small and Medium Enterprises, while the retrieve rate amounted to (82.4%). The data were statistically analyzed using (AMOS v25), and the model reliability was checked through using Alpha Chronbach test. The study most important results showed the existence of a relationship Partial between International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export Performance. Moreover, of Gathering export information mediates the positive relationship Partial between International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Export Performance. The results were discussed and compared with previous studies; then followed by offering certain proposals for future studies



How to Cite

المشرقي ع. . (2021). الدور الوسيط لجمع المعلومات التصديرية في العلاقة بين التوجه الريادي الدولي وأداء الصادرات : دراسة حالة الشركات اليمنية المصدّرة الصغيرة والمتوسطة. Journal of Amran University, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59145/jaust.v1i1.5