الأطمـــــاع السعودية والإماراتية فــــي اليمـــــن


  • يحيى أحمد النعماني قسم القانون والنظم السياسية، أكاديمية الشرطة، اليمن




الأهمية الجيوسياسية لليمن, السعودية والإمارات, مضيق باب المندب


Yemen is located in a strategic location and possesses abundant wealth from multiple sources, which made it a destination for the ambitions of all colonial countries. Given the absence of the project of an independent state from the hegemony of those countries, its strategic geographical location made it an arena of local and international conflict, and made the controlling party a major player in the region. This gave it the ability to control the entrance to one of the most important water crossings in the world. Which made the regional powers strive with all their efforts to gain a foothold in Yemen, whether for internal or international motives, to achieve the goals of those countries. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to answer a main question: What are the reasons for Saudi and Emirati ambitions in Yemen? What are Yemen's means of confronting these ambitions?

Therefore, this study was divided into two parts, the first to explain the nature of the ambitions of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates and their starting points, and the second to explain the reasons for those ambitions and the means of confrontation, and the research concluded by presenting the most important results and recommendations.



How to Cite

النعماني ي. أ. . (2024). الأطمـــــاع السعودية والإماراتية فــــي اليمـــــن. Journal of Amran University, 4(7), 22. https://doi.org/10.59145/jaust.v4i7.84